
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Training for the Race

Hello Everyone.  I hope all of you are starting to thaw out.  I just can't believe how much snow you all are getting.  Non-stop snow dumping!  We are finally getting 2 days of light snow fall. I think we are about 3-5 inches so far.  It has gotten very cold up here.  Today is minus 25 so I am inside cooking, baking and completing a long over due blog.  I have been so busy I just can't get on the computer to get the blog done on a weekly basis.  Today I am uploading two blogs so I have not excuses.
Here are some of my darling students.  This is Sarah and she dug a hole and called it her snow chair. You can see that we have snow on the ground and that doesn't stop the children from having a "regular" recess. See them playing soccer.  Can you imagine playing a 30 minute running game in complete snow gear?  We make snow angels a lot.  Sometimes the girls put tiaras on their angel with twigs and paper.  In addition to the ice skating rink, used for recess and gym classes, we have a very busy sledding hill.  Some of the kids don't even use sleds - they just slide on their snowsuits.  There is a pretty good bump about 1/2 way down and the little ones fly off the sleds.

Aren't they cute?????  They love to have their pictures taken.

This is a friendly game of touch football.
We try to ski 3 - 4 nights a week at our lit trails.  The high school has 25 miles of lit and groomed trails.  This is the best cardio workout.  I love it.  Beth, room mate is the brunette, and Niki is another teacher who is loving this free and excellent activity.  Niki is a triplet from Chicago area.  She is a lot of fun.
Training for Ski for Women's Race we joined our meet-up group and hiked 5 miles on Saturday. The race was on Sunday.  It is tough to hike in snow but the scenery is beautiful.  You can see most all trails in Anchorage are dog-friendly.  You can see that this Pug was NOT into walking in the snow. His mom carried him for about 1/2 hour and then she returned to the lodge.
Niki and I took goofy pictures at the lodge waiting for the hike to start.  Those are big bears. They are pettable rugs at the lodge.  This picture of me on skis is from one of our night time ski adventures (out of order). 
Isn't it a beautiful trail.  We took a few minutes to take in some of the beautiful sites on the trail.  This is Niki hibernating for the winter. She climbed in the log without looking first. There could have been a fox or other small critters in there. She is still new and will learn to Look before moving.  You might recall this is the same log I convinced Bob-o climbed into in the fall. Same log, different season.

The rental cabin has a wonderful outhouse.  You have to walk about 30 yards to get to it from the cabin door. I guess you wouldn't make too many night trips in the winter.  This is one of our friends, Frank, who hike and ski with the meet up group. He was so nice to let me take a photo of his "frosty" beard. This is what happens when you have facial hair and play outside.  Girls get "frosty" hair when skiing or hiking outside in the winter.  Niki and I take a photo in the big hollow tree.

I love the picture of the mountains and lake.  We are standing at one of the observation areas. If you look closely you can see the reflection of the mountains in the water.Then we stopped at the salmon area where we saw a large moose in the background as we walked to the safe side of the river. 
So tomorrow is the Ski for Women's Race. It raises money for the Battered Women's Shelter.  We thought we would take a day off of skiing and hike for some other kind of workout.  My next blog will have the Ski for Women's pictures.  Then, we had a girls night out and went to the Roller Derby, pretty big in Alaska, and then poker night at our house.  I guess you can see how busy we are. Tonight I made homemade crab cakes, spinach/strawberry salad, roasted asparagus and peanut butter pie.  Our friend, Tim, brought us a huge load of Alaskan king crab and he wanted some crab cakes.  He also brought me 3 deer hearts for my classes. We dissect them during our circulatory system unit.  So making crab cakes guarantees more shipments of fresh crab.
Have a wonderful evening and week.  We have parent conferences and 1/2 day of in-service this week. Our rewards is Monday off!!! we will probably go skiing at Hatcher Pass (about 2 hours and fresh snow on the mountain tops).  I will take many pictures.
Have a wonderful day. Sheryl the Nanuq of the North.

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