
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kenai Fjords Cruise

Greeting to all of you.  I hope you all are doing well.  I am finding it hard to up-date my blog every week.  I thought I was busy last year, well, this year is even busier.  Thanks for being patient with my blogging.  Here are my beginning pictures from my Kenai Fjords Cruise with my Aunt Sharon.  We had a wonderful week and packed it full of so many Alaskan adventures, it will take me a while to get them all posted.  We took an all day cruise out of Seward through Resurrection Bay as we headed to the Artic Ocean.  It was an overcast day and we had high hopes to see everything.  We did!  It was amazing.  I spent a lot of time out on the deck because I am not really good with the swaying of the ship inside or down below.  The Captain gave us specific instructions about how to stand on the deck, not to disturb the wildlife with whistling or clapping.  So I took a zillion pictures with the chilly breeze, as witnessed by the lonely tree on top of the rock.  I found the rock formations so interesting on our way out to the Artic Ocean.  Eagles abound on our trip.  These two eagles posed for us as the ship went by.  Look at the rock formation in the next picture.  Doesn't it look like an Eagle or Bird diving down to get a fish out of the water?  Do you see the beak and eyes? We were heading to the Holgate Glacier and you can see how far away it was when we were still about an hour away from the Glacier.  A very large sea otter swam with us for a long period of time.  He really enjoyed showing off his swimming skills.  Another island was loaded with Stellar Sea Lions basking in the sun.  They sure were noisy with their different levels of grunting.  Then from around back of the ship comes a whole bunch of otters playing.  They tussle and dive in the water to fill their hollow hairs with air so they can be buoyant and swim.
David has been busy in Memphis.  Last night he was a "paid escort" for a friend. They went to an auction and had a wonderful time.  He won the bid of Elvis's leather motorcycle jacket, sneakers ands sunglasses.  He wore the jacket as he took a motor cycle ride today.  He told me he was Taking Care of Business. 
I have finally figured out why some of you are going to be very JEALOUS of my new find in Anchorage.  A friend took me to the Antique area of Anchorage.  Let me tell you - the finds are up here.  Remember that many of the antiques are Russian origin and they have the most wonderful price tags up here.  The marble  top dressers, hall tree, chest of drawers, wooden snow shoes, furs, and very old ornate wooden sleighs (like Santa Claus would use) can all be found up here at remarkable prices.  I just have to figure out how to get some of these big items to Memphis.  I haven't figured that out yet!  My black eye is still here.  It has been 5 weeks so Went back to the doctor today.  Seems I have an infection which is why it hasn't gone away yet.  I can't believe we don't have a lot of snow.  We had snow about 10 days ago. Big, beautiful white flakes and piled high.  Unfortunately, we got up to 47 and sunny two weeks ago and turned all that snow into ice. Our driveway is solid ice (about 6 inches) as well as areas around the school yard. The highways, however, do not have snow and so my studded tires join the rest of the drivers with that "clickity click" sound on bare roads.  I have been selected to join the Iditarod Finish Team in Nome, AK. I will be working the beginning of the race in Anchorage/Willow and then 6 days later fly to Nome for a week.  The Nome Team leader is Deborah from El Paso, TX.  Go figure.  So we have to build the entire finish line, dog housing, prepare for the finish line banquet.  I will be staying with a Native family for the week.  I have been told it is very cold in Nome in March.  I am so excited. 
I hope all of you have a wonderful family Thanksgiving.  David and I will be joining Jensina in San Francisco this year. I leave tomorrow night (midnight - almost all AK flights leave at midnight). We have a full week of fun planned. We have a lot to be thankful for and let's celebrate it with family.  Enjoy.
Sheryl the Nanuq of the North.

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