
Monday, April 23, 2012

Dog Mushing lessons

My husband told me to be more consistent with my writing when I talk about a picture. Seems in the past I typed words above the picture and other times I typed words below the photo.  I will work on being more consistent this time.
Last month, Beth treated me to a day of dog mushing lessons.  It was AWESOME!!! We drove to Alyeska Ski Resort to meet Dario Martinez for a day of fun.  I know you have heard about our record breaking year of snow and you will see some more pictures of these amount of snow.  11.8 feet to be exact which broke the 1975 record and I got to experience it!  Awesome!!! You can see the snow covered ski rack which has so much snow there are no skis parked here.
This is a truck that was stranded along the road to the ski resort.  It will be there a while longer!
Our day began leaving Eagle River a bit early in the morning and we were not sure what the weather had in store for us.  You can see the sun trying to shine over the Chugach Mountains but it was gray and foggy on our way to Girdwood (about 50 minute car ride south).

No worries. We found out way and had to hike to the "old dog sled" to meet Dario.  You can see from Beth leading the way, the snow was above her knees.
I wore my hand-made quiviot headband.  I wore it every where.  It was very warm and several times had to put it in my pocket so cool off.  Sunglasses should give you a hint that the weather turned bright and sunny.
Here I am talking to Dario.  He figured out Beth and I were teachers pretty quickly. We told him "lucky guess".  He said "no, you both ask so many questions."  I really like to know every detail about what I am undertaking so I can be prepared.  I get to drive the sled with Beth the rider.  Then Beth gets to drive and I am the rider. 
Here we go!!! Mush.  Gee means turn right, Gee Gee means a hard right turn, Haw turn left, haw haw a hard left turn, On by means pass the team ahead, and Whoa means slow down.  These dogs don't really need me or a musher on their familiar trails.  Once I did notice the lead dog, Bruce, look back to Dario to see which way to go at the cross road.
Don't I look so professional like I have done this a million times before.  The dogs are so relaxed and could care less what I am doing back there since I threw down the hook.

Mushing dogs don't seem to mind having snow freeze on their faces.
We took a trip to Dario's kennel.  He has 45 dogs so it is considered a medium kennel.  He is using his dogs and teaching mushing to elementary and middle school kids who don't make the best decisions.  This program is part of the Social Emotional Learning curriculum in the schools.  If a student is accepted into his program, the student has to be fully committed which means cleaning poop, feeding, laying straw, walking them, etc every day of the year.  There are no days off in a kennel.  The students don't get behind a sled for at least 6 -8 months.  I got behind one my first day!!!!

Again, looking at these mushing dogs you will notice how lean and small they are versus big husky dogs.

These dogs know exactly where their master, Dario, is at all times.  When the dogs pick up his scent they start barking like crazy. All 45 dogs bark loudly so they will attract Dario's attention and get selected to go on the sled.  These dogs live to pull a sled.  We asked if it was true that if a dog got free from the sled or kennel it would run, and run, and run.  He said perhaps but they know where their food is and will eventually come back - at least he hopes they will.  Dario shared that one dog got free and went running around the ski resort for a couple of hours.  Then all of a sudden it came running into the kennel and right next to Dario.  Why?  A moose was chasing the dog right into the kennel.  This caused a safety risk to all the dogs and Dario had to shoot in the air to get the moose off his land.
Yep, I want my own Dog Sled card (you know like a baseball card).  Mushers have them for trade and I think I need one!
After mushing we went up to the top of the ski slope (Alyeska - has more double black diamond runs than any other US ski resort) to eat lunch.  It was so picturesque.  This is the snow ripples next to the restaurant windows.  Amazing  The gentleman told us it was the best ski season ever at Alyeska.  He said the base was over 750!  that is a lot of snow.
Looking down the mountain.
This is what you see when you exit Chair 7.

The tram takes us up the mountain and after eating back down the mountain.

We stopped at a well-known local hang out Bear Bar.  These icicles measured over 4 feet according to the owner of the bar.
This pool table picture is a bit out of focus but I had to take it for Jere D.  It is the FIRST pool table in Alaska.  It goes way back to the 1700's and Russian background.
Here is what the corners look like up close.  Pretty neat.
David gave me a Viking School cooking class and we made Paella. It was delicious.  Oyster, clams, shrimp, mussels, scallops and so many seasonings.  It was spectacular. I can't wait to make it for my friends.
One of the appetizers was heated olives. Gosh this was such a tasty treat I never thought of.

The girls night out was to go to Tito Peuentes, Jr. concert.  It was wonderful Latin jazz and our feet were dancing the entire time.  People were dancing in the aisles and we had great seats.  He is quite the entertainer. The band came to the same nightclub we went to and had a quick chat with them.
Yvonne and I had fun doing the salsa dance in the aisles.

Tito's dance group provided free salsa dance lessons prior to the concert.  Beth and Kara did a great job.
I danced with one of the professional dancers. I was intimidated I could hardly keep the smile off my face.

One of the things we like to do to each other is pull pranks.  Here is one Niki pulled on Beth and myself.  It was very creative.  I applauded her except I was running late for my appointment and had to untie my boots to retie my boot. I was a bit late!
Niki got me again when I was out exercising up the hill.  Nice job Niki!  Do you all know how many balloons it takes to fill a Volvo XC90?  I do!!! 140 balloons to be exact.  Open door and they can't wait to escape into the garage.

No fear I always believe in retaliation.  Do you know how many balloons it takes to fill Niki's shower stall?  Yep, 140 balloons.  Touche' 
The next girls night out was to Dirks Bentley concert.  Beth had never been to a country music concert.  She very rarely listens to country so we had to educate her a bit the few days before the concert.  She really like 5150 someone call the PoPo. 
Niki, Sheryl, Beth, Kara enjoying the pre concert of Eli Young Band.

I can't believe my three years is coming to a close. I have 4 weeks left of school and my great adventure in Alaska.  Thank you David for letting me spread my wings and learn so much. I have learned a lot and the awaking in my soul has been uplifting.

We are up to almost 19 hours of sunlight.  It makes school difficult because the kids don't go to bed.  Difficult because the teachers don't settle down to do school work until way too late in the evening.  We all need summer to come quickly.  Our playgrounds still have 4 -6 foot snow piles and packed snow everywhere.  The city of Anchorage knows May 15 begins visitor season and they have to clear the roadways.  Everyday you will find a dozen snow plows loading snow piles into dump trucks to be taken to the ocean for dumping. When you drive on the highways you wouldn't even know we had a huge winter.  But travel a few blocks off the major highway and you will see piles of snow still waiting to melt or be hauled away.

 David arrives on May 18 and we will travel Alaska for a week (Denali and Ketchikan) and then Gail arrives on May 25 and the three of us will climb the Matsu Glacier. Then David leaves and Gail and I explore Alaska and then head to Seattle for about 5 days and then Home to Memphis. 
I will see you all soon. 

I have a few more blogs and then this great adventure will come to a close.  I guess David and I will begin a new adventure together.

Stay happy, be kind, enjoy the moment and take time to reflect on your life and you will see how wonderful it is it.
Quay ya
Nanuq of the North

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