
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snoe Shoeing at Alyeska Feb 2012

We are having a wonderful weekend doing some fun things.  Saturday we went to Wasilla to help Beth buy some Bunny boots.  We are heading to Bethel, a Bush village, and we will need to have warm feet.

 First we stopped at Napa Auto Store to check out their Bunny Boots.  Beth and Kara thought they were nice but the boots were only white and not the right size.  So we headed to Jerry's famous Bunny Boot trailer.

This is Jerry's Famous Bunny Boot Shop!!!!
After purchasing her Bunny Boots we had to check out another Wasilla hot spot.  The Mug-Shot Saloon.  In the Spring a gentleman will draw your picture and hang it on the Saloon walls as another Mug-Shot!  We will have to go back in a few months.  We met a gentleman,Coach, and he taught us how to play bar dice. We learned how to play Ship, Captain and Crew.  I won and when you win you get a wooden nickel for your next drink.  Beth lost at dice poker as well.
We finished all our school work and errands on Saturday and went snow shoeing in Girdwood at Alyeska.
 On our way to Girdwood (40 miles south of Anchorage) the Kinik Arm which is a river from the Artic Ocean is usually frozen over.  As you can see some of the water is not frozen and has lots of dirty silt on the frozen ice blocks.
I was greeted by the Grizzly as we entered the Alyeska Hotel.
 We started out on our path and were quickly met by a bicyclist in training for the Anchorage 50K ski event coming up in a few weeks.  You have seen pictures of his studded tires from a past blog.  These tires are very fat and the studs are really pointed.
 I had to take a quick phone call from Tyler as we started on the trail.  Tyler and Cara were in Vero Beach, Florida finalizing some of the wedding plans for October!!  Sounds like things are going well for them.
 Beth made an ice chair along the trail and Kara joined her on top of the snow pile.
 Even with all the snow we have had the temperate forest full of huge cedar trees with snow on one side and fungus growing on the other side.  Moose really enjoy eating cedar barks.  Lucky for us we didn't come across a moose today.  Good thing since I can't run in snow shoes!
 Kara and Niki took the lead to break the snow trail.  Niki did a great job until one step off the path.  Oops, that is a lot of snow.  We are glad they were not injured or injured each other as they fell.
 I thought this tree was showing how much snow Girdwood has had.  This branch was bent down so far from the trunk.  It was the only limb hanging low.
 Here is Beth practicing a Zumba move. In our Zumba class we stretch at the end of the hour and one of the goals is to stretch and put your elbows on the floor.  I am not even close!  Beth can put her elbow on the snow since it is almost thigh deep!!! Is this the truth or did she really fall?  She won't tell us the truth!
 We hiked about 2 1/2 hours up to the top of the tree line and then back down to the Ski lodge.  We had a few tense moments when we couldn't figure out which way to go so we can return to the car.  After about an extra 40 minutes of wondering, we found a trail marker.  Isn't it cute??
 After our strenuous workout we stopped at Chair 5 restaurant for lunch/dinner.  We ate a great burger to satisfy our hungry stomachs.  I had to take a picture of the Karaoke night coming up.   Who knows? Maybe the Midwest Vixens (Sheryl, Beth, Kara and Niki) might make a girl trip to sing and appear on stage!  Did you notice it said partial nudity?  Yikes, well, maybe the other Vixen's will make a stage appearance.
 We arrived home and took a lovely picture of our sunset. 
I can't believe how quickly sunlight is returning to Anchorage.  We gain almost 9 minutes a day now.  The weather person on our News station said that we are gaining sunlight so fast that we will be nearing 9 hours by mid week and then 10 hours of sunlight by the end of the next week.  What does this mean for me?  More activities in the evening for me!!!

Watch for my next blog since it will be photos from our trip to Bethel.  We plan on winter camping using an Artic Oven.  We had to ask George, who teaches in Bethel, was that something we cook in or sleep in?  George giggled and said it is a heavy canvas with a stove inside.  We should be warm and have fun!

Have a wonderful Valentines Day!  This year is going by so quickly.  I will be home very soon.
Don't forget to give a stranger a smile today.  You never know how such a small gesture makes a difference in a person's life.

Life is Good!

The Nanuq of the North

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