
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year - 2012

Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and wonderful support these past few weeks.  2011 was a difficult year for my family.  We are looking forward to a much happier 2012.  I hope you had a wonderful New Years.  I returned to Alaska on New Year's Eve and was greeted by minus degrees and lots and lots of beautiful snow.  I can't remember having such high piles of snow on the streets.  It has presented a challenge driving in some neighborhoods because you can't see the cars or children.

This is the tree outside our apartment.  It is so beautifully flocked in white snow. Our neighbors are still in the lower 48 and they will be shocked when they have to uncover their car when they return.

The outside stairs also show you just how much snow we have had in the last month.  We are very lucky compared to some other Alaska cities.  I am sure you have all read about Nome still waiting for the Russian ice breaker trying to get fuel oil to the small village.  As I am sure I have told you, but we are going to Nome in March to work the finish of the Iditarod again this year.  I hope they receive their fuel oil by then or things may be a bit chillier than usual.

This is our school and some of little ones playing at recess. In Alaska we go outside for recess unless it is minus 10 below or colder.  You can see they enjoy their time outside time.
I am back on the cross country ski trails to enjoy the new snow.
This is the first snow fall for Memphis.  It snowed while I was home just to make me miss the snowfall in Alaska less.  The cold weather lasted about 5 days in Memphis unlike Alaska.
So David and I decided to go to Florida for Christmas week.  We golfed a bit at our condo (west side of Florida) and sat by the pool.  We spent Christmas on the beach and here is our holiday Christmas sand tree and the three sandmen at the beach. 

 David birded this beautiful par 4 and gloated about it all day!  It was a lovely drive.
 This is the largest Cypress Tree stump in the State of Florida.

This is the beautiful beach in Vero Beach, FL (east side of Florida).
Here is Tyler and Cara when they visited Memphis.  We are so thrilled to have Cara joining our family.  The nuptials will take place at Vero Beach in October. 

Back in Alaska I have been spending time with my teacher friends, who all happen to live in my apartment building.  We sat around and shared funny holiday stories and made some popcorn.  Have you eaten Jiffy Pop lately.  It still puffs up in a foil ball and taste just as good as I remember.
I have discovered another reason why I like Alaska so much.  The food!  My room mate and I left a a box of cracker open for almost 3 weeks.  When we had cheese and crackers last night the crackers were just as crunchy as the day we opened the box.  In Memphis if the crackers were not placed in an airtight container within a few hours the crackers would be soggy in three weeks.  Plus, we don't need ice cubes and freezers like we do in Memphis.  We set our beers and frozen items on the balcony and they are always cold!

As I begin my journey experiencing my last semester in Alaska, I hope my New Year's wishes find you enjoying this new year.  I wish for all of you a happy, joyful, prosperous and full of family and friends.
You all have an open invitation to visit.  Nothing like a visit to a beautiful state with your own personal tour guide.  Think about it!

Until then, enjoy your day and may the best NFL team win!!!  Then we can get psyched for the summer Olympics.
Que quay,

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