
Monday, August 29, 2011

Last week - August 2011

 This is what David's freezer looks like for then next 3 months.  I spent a couple of days cooking all sorts of entrees and side dishes so David can have a home cooked meal when he wants one.
Thank goodness there is very little room left so David doesn't have to go buy groceries. 

We had a free Saturday so we rode into Anchorage (20 miles by bike route) to the Saturday Market. It was fun seeing all the tourist at the market.  Please note we are wet. It has been raining for about 10 days and this is new to me. I haven't had this much rain consecutively since I have been teaching up here.  But like the US Postal Service, no rain, wind, snow or sun will keep us from being outside and exercising. 
On our way home this beautiful rainbow greeted us as we entered Eagle River.  Spectacular wasn't it.  I can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow reach down and touch the ground.

Our social live as a wide range of activities.  Last Friday we went to dance classes.  It was part of the activities.  This evening we learned the Hustle.  No it isn't the song you are thinking of but an actual dance. The steps are "and, one, two, three".  We all did well.  Well, actually I have two left feet and I have no rhythm.  I can do the foot work but once the instructor played "Brittany Spears or Usher" I couldn't listen to music and move my feet!  It was fun, we laughed all through the lessons and made some new friends.  We will continue to attend lessons and this week we will learn the salsa.  I am dancing with the instructor and Niki is looking on and laughing along with me.  She is a good dancer. 

On Sunday I convinced a group of friends to experience another "first".  At 9:30 am on Sunday morning we attended the Cowboy Church of Anchorage. I had heard radio advertisements inviting people to "come on in and join us".  It was awesome.  The ministers voice was wonderful and we could have listened to him all day long.  The minister was in beautiful ostrich cowboy boots, a huge belt buckle and a very attractive cowboy hat. The message of this week's sermon was "What to do when you have been really bad."  Do you think the minister knew I was going to attend the service?
This is the alter for the Cowboy Church. The church is held inside the Wayland Baptist University campus.  There is a horse saddle, roping rope, boots, chaps, cow skins, and then the minister played the guitar, another lady played the violin while her husband played the electric slide and someone playing the bass. The songs were wonderful, good sermon and it was fun!

And finally, my coveted Alaska Women's Tri-Patch.  This is the patch that I worked hard to earn. I participated in the Ski for Women, Bike for Women and the Gold Nugget Triathlon.  If you complete three out of the four All Female events you receive this patch. If you complete all four events your patch has a gold star embroidered on it.  Out of the 1600 women who participated in the Gold Nugget Triathlon, 208 ladies earned the gold star on the patch. 
I have completed two weeks of teaching.  This is my last year and will try to make each class fun and learn a bit.  I hope make each class fun by using my "Minute to Win IT " games.  I have taken class pictures and will get them on the blog soon.
Until then,
Have a safe Labor Day weekend
Hugs from the North
Sheryl the Nauq

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